(252)830-1032 or 1(833) NCGutters


Gutter system for your home

Choosing the Right Gutter System for Your Home or Commercial Building

Gutter system 101

A gutter system for your home is a great way to protect your foundation landscaping and divert water away from areas you don’t want. Below, you’ll learn about the many advantages of using gutters to direct rainwater runoff from your roof and transport it away from your foundation.

Protecting Your Foundation

Controlling the flow of rainwater runoff from your roof is an important part of protecting your home. Soil expands when it absorbs water, and contracts when it dries out. The shape of your roof causes more rainwater to run off on some sides of your home than others, causing the soil to expand or erode unevenly. This uneven expansion and erosion and the resulting contraction is the leading cause of foundation damage.

Protecting Your Landscaping

Another issue caused by rainwater runoff is splashback. As the falling water hits the ground, it impacts and displaces the soil at the base of your home. This harms any plants you might be growing and throws dirt onto the siding of the building. It also creates a depressed area in the ground where water can collect and stand. This is called ponding. The standing water is unattractive and attracts insects like mosquitos, termites, ants, and roaches.

The Great Thing About Gutters

Adding a gutter system to your home will take the rainwater runoff from your roof and transport it away from your foundation so the soil can expand evenly and your landscape can remain intact. They can also help you save and reuse all that water with a rainwater collection system, helping you maintain your landscaping during a drought without running up your bill.

Foundation repair is expensive. A gutter system is not. The average foundation repair cost in America ranges from $10,000 to $14,000, while a seamless rain gutter system is only a fraction of the cost. Being proactive can save you from costly and tiresome repairs later. Would you rather spend a few days repairing your foundation or a few hours having a beautiful gutter system put up?

For a free quote, contact Greenville Gutters at 252-803-1032. We are committed to providing quality installations at an affordable price.



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